Restore Your Hair Without Surgery

For many patients hair transplant surgery is not a good option. Either the patient has minimal hair loss so surgery is too extreme a solution or the patients lacks enough hair in a donor site to make a transplant a viable solution. For these patients a non-surgical hair restoration procedure is ideal.

Dr. Robert's medical hair restoration procedure for hair loss offers a plethora of benefits. It has no downtime,no side effects, a potential for significant results, less costs, and you don't need to reduce hairs in donor areas in order to supply grafts to host areas.

Dr. Robert's Setari Hair Restoration Formula (patent pending) has a unique proprietary formula with both natural and FDA approved pharaceutical ingredients that are scientifically proven to slow down hair loss and to restore hair follicles to their growth phase.

Dr. Robert's formula is only available with a prescription from your doctor and can only be used in your doctor's office. It has been shown to be an effective treatment for hair loss in both men and women.

The procedure is perfect for more mild, moderate, and even severe hair loss in both men and women. We have grown hair on 70 year olds men with long standing hair loss.

It can work for all types of hair loss issues inclduing Alopecia Areata, and scarring alopecia. With our Money Back Guarantee you have nothing to lose and your hair to regain.


No Pills No Surgery No Messy Topicals

With Dr. Robert's SetarI Hair Formula you can regrow your own hair without surgery. No more pills with potential side effects. No more messy creams or solutions that leave your hair greasy and require you to be diligently applying twice a day for the rest of your life.

Dr. Robert's new procedure will help you regain your hair and we do all the work. You can just relax and watch your hair regrow back to levels where you can feel confident again.